Difference between revisions of "TMGTPSTP.m"
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Line 214: | Line 214: | ||
. set ref=Label_"+"_i_"^"_Routine | . set ref=Label_"+"_i_"^"_Routine | ||
. set line=$text(@ref) | . set line=$text(@ref) | ||
− | |||
. if (i=Offset) do | . if (i=Offset) do | ||
. . do VCOLORS^TMGTERM(nlFGColor,nlBGColor) | . . do VCOLORS^TMGTERM(nlFGColor,nlBGColor) |
Revision as of 16:54, 21 June 2005
;"------------------------------------------------------------ ;"------------------------------------------------------------ ;" ;" GT.M STEP TRAP ;" ;" K. Toppenberg ;" 4-13-2005 ;" License: GPL Applies ;" ;" This code module will allow tracing through code. ;" It is used as follows: ;" ;" set $ZSTEP="do STEPTRAP^TMGTRSTP($ZPOS) zstep into zcontinue" ;" zstep into ;" do ^MyFunction ;"<--- put the function you want to trace here ;" ;" set $ZSTEP="" ;"<---turn off step capture ;" quit ;" ;" ;" Dependencies: ;" Uses TMGTERM ;" ;"Notes: ;" This function will be called inbetween lines of the main ;" program that is being traced. Thus is function can't do ;" anything that might change the environment of the main ;" program. This includes accessing global variables -- ;" because it will mess up the "naked reference". ;"------------------------------------------------------------ ;"------------------------------------------------------------ STEPTRAP(idePos,Msg) ;"Purpose: This is the line that is called by GT.M for each zstep event. ;" It will be used to display the current code execution point, and ;" query user as to plans for future execution: run/step/ etc. ;"Input: idePos -- a text line containing position, as returned bye $ZPOS ;" Msg -- OPTIONAL -- can be used by programs to pass in info. ;" If Msg=1, then this function was called without the ;" $ZTEP value set, so this function should set it. new tpBlankLine new tpAction new tpKeyIn new tpRunMode,tpStepMode new tpI new tpDone new result set result=1 ;1=step into, 2=step over ;"Run modes: 0=running mode ;" 1=stepping mode ;" 2=Don't show code ;" 3=running SLOW mode ;" -1=quit set tpRunMode=$get(TMGRunMode,1) set tpStepMode=$get(TMGStepMode,"into") new ScrHeight,ScrWidth set ScrHeight=$get(TMGScrHeight,10) set ScrWidth=$get(TMGScrWidth,80) set tpBlankLine=" " for tpI=1:1:ScrWidth-1 set tpBlankLine=tpBlankLine_" " do VCUSAV2^TMGTERM if tpRunMode'=2 do . do ShowCodePos(idePos,ScrWidth,ScrHeight) else do . do CUP^TMGTERM(1,2) write tpBlankLine,! write tpBlankLine,! do CUU^TMGTERM(2) if (tpRunMode=0)!(tpRunMode=3)!(tpRunMode=2) do . write tpBlankLine,! . do CUU^TMGTERM(1) . write "(Press any key to pause)",! . read *tpKeyIn:0 . if (tpKeyIn>0) set tpRunMode=1 . else if tpRunMode=3 hang 1 if tpRunMode=2 goto SPDone ;"Don't showmode --> goto SPDone set tpDone=0 if tpRunMode=1 for do quit:tpDone=1 . new DefAction set DefAction="O" . do ShowCodePos(idePos,ScrWidth,ScrHeight) . do CUP^TMGTERM(1,ScrHeight+4) ;"Cursor to line (x,y) . write tpBlankLine,! . do CUU^TMGTERM(1) . write "Action (? for help): " . if tpStepMode="into" write "step INTO// " set DefAction="I" . else write "step OVER// " set DefAction="O" . read tpAction,! . if tpAction="" set tpAction=DefAction . if "rR"[tpAction do quit . . set tpRunMode=0 . . set tpDone=1 . if "lL"[tpAction do quit . . set tpRunMode=3 . . set tpDone=1 . if "mM"[tpAction do quit . . write tpBlankLine,! . . do CUU^TMGTERM(1) . . new tpLine . . read " enter M code: ",tpLine,! . . xecute tpLine . if "iI"[tpAction do quit . . set tpStepMode="into" . . ;"set $ZSTEP="do STEPTRAP^TMGTPSTP($ZPOS) zstep into zcontinue" . . set tpDone=1 . if "Oo"[tpAction do quit . . set tpStepMode="over" . . ;"set $ZSTEP="do STEPTRAP^TMGTPSTP($ZPOS) zstep over zcontinue" . . set tpDone=1 . if "Bb"[tpAction do quit . . new idePos . . read "Enter breakpoint (e.g. Label+8^MyFunct): ",idePos,! . . set idePos=Pos_":""n tmg s tmg=$$STEPTRAP^TMGTPSTP($ZPOS,1)""" . . ZBREAK @idePos . if "Hh"[tpAction do quit . . set tpRunMode=2 . . set tpDone=1 . else do quit . . new tpNLines . . for tpNLines=1:1:5 write tpBlankLine,! . . do CUU^TMGTERM(5) . . write " L -- run in sLow mode M -- enter any line of M code",! . . write " O -- step OVER line I -- step INTO line",! . . write " R -- run H -- Hide debug code",! . . write " B -- set Breakpoint",! SPDone do VCULOAD2^TMGTERM set TMGRunMode=tpRunMode if tpStepMode="into" set result=1 else set result=2 set TMGStepMode=tpStepMode if $get(Msg)=1 do . set $ZSTEP="N TMGTrap S TMGTrap=$$STEPTRAP^TMGTPSTP($ZPOS) zstep:(TMGTrap=1) into zstep:(TMGTrap=2) over zcontinue" . zstep:(result=1) into zstep:(result=2) over quit result ErrTrap(idePos) ;"Purpose: This is the line that is called by GT.M for each ztrap event. ;" It will be used to display the current code execution point new ScrHeight,ScrWidth set ScrHeight=$get(TMGScrHeight,10) set ScrWidth=$get(TMGScrWidth,70) do VCUSAV2^TMGTERM do ShowCodePos(idePos,ScrWidth,ScrHeight) ETDone do VCULOAD2^TMGTERM quit ShowCode(idePos,ScrWidth,ScrHeight,Wipe) ;"Purpose: This will display code at the top of the screen ;"Input: idePos -- string like this: X+2^ROUTINE[$DMOD] ;" ScrWidth -- width of code display (Num of columns) ; ;" Wipe -- OPTIONAL. if 1, then code area is wiped blank new i new Routine,Label,Offest,s new LastRou,LastLabel,LastOffset new dbFGColor,bBGColor,nlFGColor,nlBGColor new BlankLine new StartOffset set ScrWidth=$get(ScrWidth,80) set ScrHeight=$get(ScrHeight,10) set nlFGColor=$get(TMGNlFGColor,3) set nlBGColor=$get(TMGNlBGColor,0) set dbFGColor=$get(TMGDbFGColor,0) set dbBGColor=$get(TMGDbBGColor,3) set BlankLine=" " for i=1:1:ScrWidth-1 set BlankLine=BlankLine_" " do VCOLORS^TMGTERM(dbFGColor,dbBGColor) do CUP^TMGTERM(1,1) ;"Cursor to line (1,1) write BlankLine,! ;"This is needed for some reason... do CUU^TMGTERM(2) if $get(Wipe)=1 do goto SCDone . do VCOLORS^TMGTERM(nlFGColor,nlBGColor) . for i=0:1:ScrHeight+1 write BlankLine set s=$piece(idePos,"$",1) ;"e.g. X+2^ROUTINE$DMOD-->X+2^ROUTINE set Routine=$piece(s,"^",2) set Label=$piece(s,"^",1) set Offset=+$piece(Label,"+",2) set Label=$piece(Label,"+",1) set s="=== Routine: ^"_Routine_" " write s for i=1:1:ScrWidth-$length(s) write "=" write ! if Offset>(ScrHeight) do set StartOffset=(Offset-ScrHeight) else set StartOffset=0 for i=StartOffset:1:(ScrHeight+StartOffset) do . new line,Bl,ref,LoopOffset . set ref=Label_"+"_i_"^"_Routine . set line=$text(@ref) . if (i=Offset) do . . do VCOLORS^TMGTERM(nlFGColor,nlBGColor) . . write ">" . else write " " . if $length(line)>(ScrWidth-1) do . . write $extract(line,1,ScrWidth-4),"...",! . else do . . write $extract(line,1,ScrWidth-1) . . write $extract(BlankLine,1,ScrWidth-$length(line)-1),! . if (i=Offset) do VCOLORS^TMGTERM(dbFGColor,dbBGColor) for i=1:1:ScrWidth write "~" write ! SCDone ;"do VCULOAD^TMGTERM do VCOLORS^TMGTERM(nlFGColor,nlBGColor) ;"do CUD^TMGTERM(2) quit