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http://sourceforge.net/worldvista/<br />
http://sourceforge.net/worldvista/<br />
OpenVista SemiVivA FOIA Gold gzipped tape archive<br />
OpenVista SemiVivA FOIA Gold gzipped tape archive<br />
[http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=60087 OpenVistASemiVivAFOIAGold20050212.tgz]<br />
[http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/worldvista/OpenVistASemiVivAFOIAGold20050212.tgz?download OpenVistASemiVivAFOIAGold20050212.tgz]<br />
From the command prompt unarchive and uncompress the Vista file structure.
From the command prompt unarchive and uncompress the Vista file structure.

Revision as of 07:20, 25 March 2005

Setting up GT.M and the environment (vs. configuring VistA itself)


You will need Xdialog on your PC for this approach.

Download an OpenVistA SemiVivA file from WorldVistA (either OpenVistA SemiVivA 0.4 or OpenVistA SemiVivA FOIA Gold 20050212), say to /Distrib/OpenVistA. The following will install GT.M and OpenVistA (replace the filename in the second line with appropriate name of downloaded file):

su -

tar zxvf /Distrib/OpenVistA/OpenVistASemiVivAFOIAGold20050212.tgz

Assuming your userid is "vista" as the normal user vista, execute:

/usr/local/OpenVistA/vista --install /home/vista/myVistA/OpenVistA

(or other desired location) and reply in the affirmative when you are prompted about creating directories. Subsequently, to run it, just execute:

/usr/local/OpenVistA/vista --run /home/vista/myVistA/OpenVistA

---K.S. Bhaskar

Manual Installation of OpenVista SemiVivA FOIA Gold source on Linux.

Mark Street, RHCE - March 24, 2005

1. Create a vista user
2. Edit vista users environment
3. Obtain Vista FOIA GOLD source archive
4. Place Vista archive contents onto filesystem
5. Begin Configuration of Vista

It is assumed you have superuser (root) access on the system you are installing Vista.
Most of the commands and tasks below will be performed as the superuser.

1. Create a vista user

useradd vista
adduser vista

Make sure a home directory for the vista user is created.
Utilize the manual pages for useradd if you need to customize the location of the vista user's home directory.

2. Edit vista user's environment - Add the paths to Vista's routines and gtm. Below is an example of a .bash_profile file for the vista user. It assumes you are installing Vista into the user vista's home directory /home/vista and your are installing gtm into /usr/local/gtm.

Create a directory within the vista user's home directory for logging.

mkdir /home/vista/log
chown vista.vista /home/vista/log

You can add the vista specific portions to your vista user's existing .bash_profile or replace it with this example.

## ---- BEGIN ----
# .bash_profile

# Get the aliases and functions
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
        . ~/.bashrc

# User specific environment and startup programs



## OpenVistA specific environment ##
export gtm_dist=/usr/local/gtm
export gtm_log=/home/vista/log

export gtmgbldir=/home/vista/g/mumps.gld
export gtm_vista=/home/vista/
export vista_home=/home/vista
export gtmroutines="$vista_home/o($vista_home/r) $gtm_dist"

alias GTM="$gtm_dist/mumps -direct"
alias gtm="$gtm_dist/mumps -direct"
alias mupip="$gtm_dist/mupip"
alias gde="$gtm_dist/mumps -r ^GDE"
alias lke="$gtm_dist/lke"
alias dse="$gtm_dist/dse"
alias rundown="$gtm_dist/mupip rundown -r \"*\""

export PATH=$PATH:$gtm_dist
# ---- END ----

3. Obtain and unpack the Vista FOIA GOLD archive from worldvista at sourceforge.

OpenVista SemiVivA FOIA Gold gzipped tape archive

From the command prompt unarchive and uncompress the Vista file structure.

tar -xzvf OpenVistASemiVivAFOIAGold20050212.tgz

Two directories will be created, gtm and OpenVistA.
The gtm directory contains the gtm binaries and mumps routines and object files.
The OpenVistA directory contians the mumps database files and their associated filesystem structure.

4. Place Vista routines and gtm on the filesystem.

First make sure the ownership of all files and directories are owned by the proper users.

gtm = root
OpenVistA = vista

From the directory in which you UNarchived the files issue the following commands;

chown -R root.root gtm

Change the file and directory ownership on the Vista data files and file structure to the vista user.

chown -R vista.vista OpenVistA

Now move the files to their proper location on the filesytem;

mv gtm /usr/local/

Change your current working directory into the OpenVista directory and move all the Vista files to the vista user's home dir /home/vista.

cd OpenVistA

mv * /home/vista/

Now gunzip the mumps.dat.gz file in the 'g' directory in /home/vista

gunzip mumps.dat.gz

5. Begin Configuration of Vista

Related Concepts

Linux Command su ||Linux Command tar ||Linux Idea userid ||Linux Idea filesystem