From VistApedia
Glossary- CPRS (Computerized Patient Record System - hardly meaningful acronym anymore)
- CPRS is the Provider Interface for the Main Display of the Patient Record and
- Entry of new record information
Both GUI and Dialog versions of CPRS exist in the VistA System.
The GUI version of CPRS is a
- multi-subwindowed and
- Multi-Screen/ Multiple-Tab View of a Single Patients Record
- Tabs are (unconventionally) on the Bottom of each Screen
- Menu Drop Down Options provide further functions, varying some across tabs(WIndows)
- The GUI is written as a client program, currently limited to Window Clients
- The Current Version is written in Pascal and Delphi
- An Internet Demo is running at CPRS Demo DownLoad A client-CPRS is Downloaded and run on Windows with a Demo Internet Server
- The GUI CPRS interacts with the MUMPS Server/FileMan via RPC Broker Subsystem
- to query the database for existing patient data,
- to obtain code-tables limiting values/choices and
- saving revised or newly created data elements, edited in the GUI CPRS by users, back to the FIleMan Database for the patient.
There is also (still) a dialog version of the same functionality
- This is entered by FileMan Menu Options
- Documentation, does not always easily distinguish between these very different interfaces, both called CPRS.
Synonyms potentially for CPRS
HCI Human Computer Interface, Provider Data Entry, Physician Interaction, Client GUI, Thick Client.