VISTA XWB Broker Troubleshooting
Starting the Broker
On GT.M, to start the broker, you need to create an OS service (Xinetd on Linux) that calls GTMLNX^XWBTCPM
On Cache, you can start a broker listener using the start-up file ZSTU by calling this: J ZISTCP^XWBTCPM1(<port no>):"<namespace>"
On Cache, you can also fill out the RPC Broker Site Parameters file like this:
Select OPTION NAME: XWB MENU RPC Broker Management Menu RPC Listener Edit Start All RPC Broker Listeners Stop All RPC Broker Listeners Clear XWB Log Files Debug Parameter Edit View XWB Log Select RPC Broker Management Menu <TEST ACCOUNT> Option: RPC LISTener Edit Select RPC BROKER SITE PARAMETERS DOMAIN NAME: ? Answer with RPC BROKER SITE PARAMETERS DOMAIN NAME, or STATUS: VISTA.PLATINUM Select RPC BROKER SITE PARAMETERS DOMAIN NAME: VISTA.PLATINUM Select BOX-VOLUME PAIR: ICARUS:icarus// BOX-VOLUME PAIR: ICARUS:icarus// Select PORT: 9000 Are you adding '9000' as a new PORT (the 1ST for this LISTENER)? No// Y (Yes) STATUS: STOPPED// TYPE OF LISTENER: ? Choose from: 0 Original 1 New Style TYPE OF LISTENER: 1 New Style CONTROLLED BY LISTENER STARTER: ? Choose from: 0 NO 1 YES CONTROLLED BY LISTENER STARTER: 1 YES
Then ask Taskman to start this upon Taskman start-up, by creating this entry in file 19.2:
When you start taskman from ZSTU using J ^ZTMB:"<namespace>"
, the broker will be started by taskman.
Environment Check and Unit Test
The broker can fail at several points. All of them are covered by an environment check that either Wally or Joel wrote: D CHECK^XWBTCPMT
. Here's an example:
GTM>D CHECK^XWBTCPMT This will check for some of the errors that can prevent the Broker from getting started. Debugging is set to Very Verbose Broker activity timeout is set to 180 Checking can Write to null device The NULL device is OK. Checking if new JOB's can start. New jobs are allowed. Done with the checks.
From the above, you can glean why a broker might not start or accept connections:
- The VOLUME multiple in the Kernel System Parameters isn't filled out properly.
- The VOLUME SET file has the disable flag set to yes.
- There is more than one NULL device or no NULL device.
- Your Mumps Implementation license doesn't allow you to start a new job.
- $$ACTJ^%ZOSV says you ran out of licenses.
In the same routine, there is also a broker tester to test your broker system by connecting to it, only you are doing it directly from Mumps. Here's an example:
GTM>D CALL^XWBTCPMT Interactive Broker Test IP ADDRESS: PORT: 9200 Success, response: accept
If this call succeeds (and you need to make sure that this is indeed the right port that hooks up to your VISTA system), then you are now certain that the new style broker works to some extent.
Broker Logging
If you have further issues, the easiest way to troubleshoot them is to turn on broker logging, like this:
GTM>S DUZ=1 D ^XUP Setting up programmer environment This is a TEST account. Terminal Type set to: C-VT220 Select OPTION NAME: XWB MENU RPC Broker Management Menu RPC Listener Edit Start All RPC Broker Listeners Stop All RPC Broker Listeners Clear XWB Log Files Debug Parameter Edit View XWB Log Select RPC Broker Management Menu <TEST ACCOUNT> Option: DEBUG Parameter Edit -------- Setting RPCBroker debug logging for System: FOIA.PLATINUM -------- Enable Broker Logging: very Verbose// ? Enter a code from the list. Select one of the following: 0 No 1 Yes 2 Verbose 3 very Verbose Enable Broker Logging: very Verbose// 3 very Verbose
After you do that, you need to clear the old logs:
Select RPC Broker Management Menu <TEST ACCOUNT> Option: CLEAR XWB Log Files Remove all XWB log entries? No// YES Done
Now, perform the connection, replicate the error that you encounter, and then check-out the broker logs using the option 'View XWB Log'. A good familiarity with the broker TCP protocol will help you understand it; here's an excerpt:
Log from Job 4115 25 Lines 09:43:36 = Log start: Apr 09, 2012@09:43:36 09:43:36 = XWBTCPM 09:43:36 = rd: [XWB] 09:43:36 = MSG format is [XWB] type NEW 09:43:36 = rd: 1030 09:43:36 = rd: 4 09:43:36 = rd: \10 09:43:36 = rd: TCPConnect 09:43:36 = CMD: TCPConnect 09:43:36 = rd: 5 09:43:36 = rd: 0 09:43:36 = rd: 012 09:43:36 = rd: 09:43:36 = rd: f 09:43:36 = rd: 0 09:43:36 = rd: 001 09:43:36 = rd: 0 09:43:36 = rd: f 09:43:36 = rd: 0 09:43:36 = rd: 006 09:43:36 = rd: icarus 09:43:36 = rd: f 09:43:36 = rd: \04
Some essential parts to understand: a byte that is x04
(\04) always ends a message. A byte "f" means it's the end of the argument. The item just before the argument is the argument length (006
). The client creates this message. Therefore, if this message is not created properly at the client, it won't be read properly by VISTA.
Foreground Debugging of Broker Calls
Last but not least, for desperate debuggers, you can put breakpoints in your current process and run the listener process in the foreground and then connect your client. You will hit the breakpoint:
GTM>D DEBUG^XWBTCPM Before running this entry point set your debugger to stop at the place you want to debug. Some spots to use: 'SERV+1^XWBTCPM', 'MAIN+1^XWBTCPM' or 'CAPI+1^XWBPRS.' or location of your choice. IP Socket to Listen on: <etc>...