Terminal Emulators
This has to do with why Fileman Word Processing fields didn't recognize Page Up/Page Down & Home/End.
Reading the code in DDGLIB0, Page Up and Page Down will be defined ONLY IF your VISTA terminal type is VT-220 or VT-320. Don't set terminal to VT-100 or -102.
Home and End are a very interesting problem.
Putty and Windows Telnet reads Home, End as *27,"[1~",*27,"[4~" Linux console reads Home, End as *27,"[H",*27,"[F".
Every reference for VT320/220 I found on the Internet says that the Linux mapping is correct (!!) and the Putty and Windows stuff not correct.
I found this reference from a guy who writes Video Games very helpful in understanding this: [1]
So, believe it or not, VISTA VT220/VT320 is adapted to Windows and is not standard according to the VT manuals. Pretty unbelievable; but I took the time to prove it.
So, here is the final piece of advice:
1. If you are on Linux and using only Linux without Putty, you need to change the fields FIND and SELECT to be (once for VT220 and once for VT320):
Select TERMINAL TYPE NAME: C-VT220 Digital Equipment Corporation VT-220 terminal FIND: $C(27)_"[1~"// $C(27)_"[H" SELECT: $C(27)_"[4~"// $C(27)_"[F"
2. Just use putty everywhere. It emulates Windows Telnet closely.