Programming with the VPE code library
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Programming with the VPE code library
Started 7/24/2006 by K Toppenberg
I'll use this to capture notes:
The code library is in the %ZVEM namespace. The source files are stored in _ZVEM*.m on GT_M
The %ZVEMKT* modules contain the code for the scrollable display/selector.
=== LIST (Generic Lister) ===
LIST^%ZVEMKT -- generic lister
=== SELECT (Generic Lister) === SELECT^%ZVEMKT -- generic selecter (different from SELECT^%ZVEMKTF)
do SELECT^%ZVEMKTF(50,"TOP") will allow a user to select (by toggling with the space key) a list of fileman fields from file 50. [ESC] will jump out, and the results are stored in ^TMP("VPE","FIELDS",$J,*)