VistA Administration
Note: This page may be outdated and expresses multiple opinions that are not the current opinion held by much of the current VistA community. (This page is undergoing current revision.)
What operating systems can a VistA server run on? The VA has historically run it on VMS, Indian Health and others on Microsoft Windows with Caché, and the Open Source community on Linux with GT.M.
- CentOS A popular Linux operating system for production use with VistA.
- OpenSolaris zones OpenSolaris is an open source release of high-end Unix server software from Sun. Solaris zones function as simple but elegant virtual machines.
- Why Consider Ubuntu -- one of the mostly widely used Linux operating systems worldwide.
- Linux Active Directory How-To Information on how to use Microsoft Active Directory for Linux authentication.
Installing VistA
For a discussion of the issues involved, here are some slide shows presented at VistA Community Meetings about the process of installing a VistA system at a particular site:
When you are ready to install VistA, you have a number of choices.
- Software Downloads provides a fairly current (Jan 2010) comparison of options.
- Installation Overview is mostly of historical interest.
Setup VistA
Configuration is probably the most arduous and expensive step. It never ends.
- Intracare Implementation Log follows I. Valdes MD as he installs VistA with the help of Hardhats
Maintaining VistA
- Drug File~ gives some basic links on this essential part of VistA
- Pharmacy Issues provides more technical detail
Restoring VistA
Your system either has already crashed or it will eventually.