FileMan Delphi Components/TFMLister

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TFMLister Component

Parent Class

TFMLister = class(TFMAccess)


The purpose of the TFMLister component is to retrieve a list of VA FileMan records from the server. Records are retrieved into the TFMLister's Results property. TFMLister is a wrapper around the LIST^DIC Database Server (DBS) call.

You can use a TFMLister by itself, to directly retrieve a list of records from the server:

You can also use the TFMLister in conjuction with list-type VA FileMan data controls to edit pointer fields:

When to Use TFMFinder Instead of TFMLister

The TFMFinder can be useful in certain cases where the TFMLister is not. In particular, the TFMLister looks up internal values when you use its PartList property. If the value you need to search on is an external value, you may want to use the TFMFinder instead.

Descriptions of properties inherited from the parent component are not listed here (only those properties added to the parent component are described).

For help on inherited properties, please refer to Delphi's documentation on the parent component.