Mumps Class 16
From VistApedia
Using username "worldvistaEHR". Authenticating with public key "rsa-key-20101206" Linux cassandra 2.6.26-1-686 #1 SMP Fri Mar 13 18:08:45 UTC 2009 i686 The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software; the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright. Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by applicable law. Last login: Mon Mar 14 04:40:34 2011 from worldvistaEHR@cassandra:~$ gtm GTM>; $Text - continued GTM>; What if you want to include text inside the routine, maybe as stored data GTM>; How do you do that? GTM>zed "KBANTEXT" GTM>zed "KBANTEXT" GTM>zl GTM>zp ^KBANTEXT KBANTEXT ; 3/14/11 10:24am ;; PRINTTXT NEW I NEW TXT FOR I=1:1:1000000 S TXT=$TEXT(TEXT+I) Q:TXT="" WRITE TXT QUIT TEXT ;;THIS IS DATA STORED IN THE ROUTINE ;;DATA1;DATA2 ;;DATA3;DATA4 GTM>D ^KBANTEXT ;;THIS IS DATA STORED IN THE ROUTINE ;;DATA1;DATA2 ;;DATA3;DATA4 GTM>; $NAME GTM>; $NAME is a convenience function to store the name of one variable in anoth er GTM>; Suppose I want X to be ^TMP("SAM",$J) GTM>; Before $Name GTM>SET X="^TMP(""SAM"","_$J_")" GTM>WRITE X ^TMP("SAM",2902) GTM>SET X=$NAME(^TMP("SAM",$J)) GTM>WRITE X ^TMP("SAM",2902) GTM>SET Y=1 GTM>SET Z="BLAH" GTM>SET X=$NAME(^TMP("SAM",$J,Y,Z)) GTM>WRITE X ^TMP("SAM",2902,1,"BLAH") GTM>SET @X@(1)="VALUE 1" GTM>SET @X@(2)="VALUE 2" GTM>ZWRITE X X="^TMP(""SAM"",2902,1,""BLAH"")" GTM>W X ^TMP("SAM",2902,1,"BLAH") GTM>ZWRITE @X %GTM-E-GVUNDEF, Global variable undefined: ^TMP("SAM",2902,1,"BLAH") At M source location +1^GTM$DMOD GTM>ZWRITE ^TMP("SAM",2902,1,"BLAH",*) ^TMP("SAM",2902,1,"BLAH",1)="VALUE 1" ^TMP("SAM",2902,1,"BLAH",2)="VALUE 2" GTM>SET X=^TMP("SAM",$J,Y,Z) %GTM-E-GVUNDEF, Global variable undefined: ^TMP("SAM",2902,1,"BLAH") GTM>; $RANDOM GTM>; Gives you a random number from 0 to arg-1 GTM>w $Random(99) 47 GTM>w $Random(33) 6 GTM>; $reverse GTM>; Reverses a string GTM>S X="ABCDEF" GTM>W $REVERSE(X) FEDCBA GTM>; Clever uses of $reverse GTM>S X=$NA(SAM(1,2,3,4,5,6,7)) GTM>W X SAM(1,2,3,4,5,6,7) GTM>; $NA IS $NAME GTM>; forget this example GTM>; this one GTM>S X=/tmp/root/ %GTM-E-EXPR, Expression expected but not found S X=/tmp/root/ ^----- GTM>S X="/tmp/root/" GTM>W $P($RE(X),"/") txt.elif GTM>W $RE($P($RE(X),"/")) file.txt GTM>W $P(X,"/",$L(X,"/")) file.txt GTM>; $SELECT GTM>ZED "RAORD" GTM>ZED "RAORDU" GTM>ZED "RAORDU" GTM>zed "RAORDU" GTM>; $SELECT is a case statement in Mumps GTM>; Except it all goes on one line!!! GTM>; Syntax GTM>; WRITE $SELECT(<CONDITION>:<VALUE>,<CONDITION>:<VALUE>...,[1:<DEFAULT>]) GTM>; If you don't include the default, you cause an error in Mumps GTM>; If you don't include the default, you cause an error in Mumps if there is no match GTM>; VISTA SAC requires you to put a default. GTM>S Y=1 GTM>S Z=0 GTM>WRITE $SELECT(Y:"Hello 1",Z:"Hello 2",1:"Bye") Hello 1 GTM>S Z=1 GTM>WRITE $SELECT(Y:"Hello 1",Z:"Hello 2",1:"Bye") Hello 1 GTM>S Y=0 GTM>WRITE $SELECT(Y:"Hello 1",Z:"Hello 2",1:"Bye") Hello 2 GTM>S Z=0 GTM>WRITE $SELECT(Y:"Hello 1",Z:"Hello 2",1:"Bye") Bye GTM>WRITE $SELECT(Y:"Hello 1",Z:"Hello 2") %GTM-E-SELECTFALSE, No argument to $SELECT was true GTM>W $EC ,M7,Z150372994, GTM>W $ECODE ,M7,Z150372994, GTM>; $FNUMBER GTM>; relation to $Justify GTM>; $FNUMBER is almost never used in VISTA GTM>; Formats numbers GTM>W $FN(-42,"p") (42) GTM>W $FN(42,"p") 42 GTM>W $l($FN(42,"p")) 4 GTM>; pads the 42 if not negative GTM>W $FN(-42,"t") 42- GTM>W $FN(42000,",") 42,000 GTM>W $FN(42000,"p,") 42,000 GTM>W $FN(-42000,"p,") (42,000) GTM>W $FN(42000,"+") +42000 GTM>W $FN(42000,"-") 42000 GTM>W $FN(-42000,"-") 42000 GTM>W $FN(-42000,"p,",2) (42,000.00) GTM>; $Justify GTM>W $J(-42000,0,2) -42000.00 GTM>W $J(-42000,10,2) -42000.00 GTM>W $J(-42000,15,2) -42000.00 GTM>; $justify 3 arg form does the same thing as 3 arg form of $fnumber GTM>; Halt GTM>; abbreviated as H without arguments GTM>; exits and mumps process normally GTM>; exits mumps process normally GTM>; Hang GTM>; abbreviated as H with an argument GTM>; Hang is equivalent to Thread.Sleep GTM>; except you give it seconds, not milliseconds GTM>e.g. %GTM-E-SPOREOL, Either a space or an end-of-line was expected but not found e.g. ^----- GTM>; e.g. GTM>H 5 ; sleep for 5 seconds GTM>FOR I=1:1 WRITE "HELLO",! H 1 HELLO HELLO HELLO HELLO HELLO HELLO HELLO HELLO HELLO %GTM-I-CTRLC, CTRL_C encountered GTM>; Goto GTM>zed "KBANGOTO" GTM>zl GTM>zp ^KBANGOGO %GTM-E-ZLINKFILE, Error while zlinking "KBANGOGO" %GTM-E-FILENOTFND, File KBANGOGO not found GTM>zp ^KBANGOTO KBANGOTO ; 3/14/11 10:56am GOTO THERE WRITE "I am here",! THERE WRITE "I am there",! GTM>D ^KBANGOTO I am there GTM>ZED GTM>zl GOTO THERE2(1,2,3) ^----- At column 13, line 2, source module /opt/worldvista/EHR/p/KBANGOTO.m %GTM-E-SPOREOL, Either a space or an end-of-line was expected but not found GTM>ZP ^KBANGOTO KBANGOTO ; 3/14/11 10:57am GOTO THERE2(1,2,3) WRITE "I am here",! THERE WRITE "I am there",! THERE2(A,B,C) WRITE A+B+C GTM>; Goto can only go to labels, not to formal lines (formal lines are labels w ith parameter lists) GTM>; Merge GTM>; M GTM>; Merge is a new introduction to Mumps (1990 standard). It copies one array over to another. GTM>; Merge is a new introduction to Mumps (1990 standard). It copies one array GTM>e.g. %GTM-E-SPOREOL, Either a space or an end-of-line was expected but not found e.g. ^----- GTM>; e.g. GTM>zwrite ^TMP($J,*) GTM>D NEWPERS^ORWU(.SAM,"A",1) %GTM-E-UNDEF, Undefined local variable: DT At M source location ALL+6^VASITE GTM>D ^XUP Setting up programmer environment This is a TEST account. Access Code: EHR:cassandra>D ^XUP Setting up programmer environment This is a TEST account. Access Code: ******** EHR:cassandra>D NEWPERS^ORWU(.SAM,"A",1) EHR:cassandra>ZWRITE SAM SAM(1)="14^Administrator,System" SAM(2)="65^Analyst,One^- ANALYST" SAM(3)="66^Analyst,Three^- ANALYST" SAM(4)="69^Analyst,Two^- ANALYST" SAM(5)="47^Clerk,Eight^- Medical Clerk" SAM(6)="50^Clerk,Eleven^- Medical Clerk" SAM(7)="54^Clerk,Fifteen^- Medical Clerk" SAM(8)="44^Clerk,Five^- Medical Clerk" SAM(9)="43^Clerk,Four^- Medical Clerk" SAM(10)="53^Clerk,Fourteen^- Medical Clerk" SAM(11)="48^Clerk,Nine^- Medical Clerk" SAM(12)="46^Clerk,Seven^- Medical Clerk" SAM(13)="45^Clerk,Six^- Medical Clerk" SAM(14)="49^Clerk,Ten^- Medical Clerk" SAM(15)="52^Clerk,Thirteen^- Medical Clerk" SAM(16)="42^Clerk,Three^- Medical Clerk" SAM(17)="51^Clerk,Twelve^- Medical Clerk" SAM(18)="41^Clerk,Two^- Medical Clerk" SAM(19)="58^Coordinator,Clinical^- CLINICAL COORDINATOR" SAM(20)="9^Coordinator,Five^- ANALYST" SAM(21)="3^Coordinator,Four" SAM(22)="2^Coordinator,Nine" SAM(23)="63^Coordinator,One^- ANALYST" SAM(24)="64^Coordinator,Seven" SAM(25)="60^Coordinator,Six^- CLINICAL COORDINATOR" SAM(26)="67^Coordinator,Three^- ANALYST" SAM(27)="68^Coordinator,Two^- ANALYST" SAM(28)="21^Doctor,Eight^- Physician" SAM(29)="24^Doctor,Eleven^- Physician" SAM(30)="18^Doctor,Five^- Physician" SAM(31)="17^Doctor,Four^- Physician" SAM(32)="22^Doctor,Nine^- Physician" SAM(33)="11^Doctor,One^- Physician" SAM(34)="20^Doctor,Seven^- Physician" SAM(35)="19^Doctor,Six^- Physician" SAM(36)="23^Doctor,Ten^- Physician" SAM(37)="16^Doctor,Three^- Physician" SAM(38)="26^Doctor,Twelve^- Physician" SAM(39)="15^Doctor,Two^- Physician" SAM(40)="62^Lab,Superuser^- ANALYST" SAM(41)="8^Manager,System^- System Manager" SAM(42)="33^Nurse,Eight^- Nurse" SAM(43)="36^Nurse,Eleven^- Nurse" SAM(44)="40^Nurse,Fifteen^- Nurse" EHR:cassandra>MERGE ^TMP("SAM",$J)=SAM EHR:cassandra>ZWRITE ^TMP("SAM",$J) %GTM-E-GVUNDEF, Global variable undefined: ^TMP("SAM",2902) EHR:cassandra>ZWRITE ^TMP("SAM",$J,*) ^TMP("SAM",2902,1)="14^Administrator,System" ^TMP("SAM",2902,1,"BLAH",1)="VALUE 1" ^TMP("SAM",2902,1,"BLAH",2)="VALUE 2" ^TMP("SAM",2902,2)="65^Analyst,One^- ANALYST" ^TMP("SAM",2902,3)="66^Analyst,Three^- ANALYST" ^TMP("SAM",2902,4)="69^Analyst,Two^- ANALYST" ^TMP("SAM",2902,5)="47^Clerk,Eight^- Medical Clerk" ^TMP("SAM",2902,6)="50^Clerk,Eleven^- Medical Clerk" ^TMP("SAM",2902,7)="54^Clerk,Fifteen^- Medical Clerk" ^TMP("SAM",2902,8)="44^Clerk,Five^- Medical Clerk" ^TMP("SAM",2902,9)="43^Clerk,Four^- Medical Clerk" ^TMP("SAM",2902,10)="53^Clerk,Fourteen^- Medical Clerk" ^TMP("SAM",2902,11)="48^Clerk,Nine^- Medical Clerk" ^TMP("SAM",2902,12)="46^Clerk,Seven^- Medical Clerk" ^TMP("SAM",2902,13)="45^Clerk,Six^- Medical Clerk" ^TMP("SAM",2902,14)="49^Clerk,Ten^- Medical Clerk" ^TMP("SAM",2902,15)="52^Clerk,Thirteen^- Medical Clerk" ^TMP("SAM",2902,16)="42^Clerk,Three^- Medical Clerk" ^TMP("SAM",2902,17)="51^Clerk,Twelve^- Medical Clerk" ^TMP("SAM",2902,18)="41^Clerk,Two^- Medical Clerk" ^TMP("SAM",2902,19)="58^Coordinator,Clinical^- CLINICAL COORDINATOR" ^TMP("SAM",2902,20)="9^Coordinator,Five^- ANALYST" ^TMP("SAM",2902,21)="3^Coordinator,Four" ^TMP("SAM",2902,22)="2^Coordinator,Nine" ^TMP("SAM",2902,23)="63^Coordinator,One^- ANALYST" ^TMP("SAM",2902,24)="64^Coordinator,Seven" ^TMP("SAM",2902,25)="60^Coordinator,Six^- CLINICAL COORDINATOR" ^TMP("SAM",2902,26)="67^Coordinator,Three^- ANALYST" ^TMP("SAM",2902,27)="68^Coordinator,Two^- ANALYST" ^TMP("SAM",2902,28)="21^Doctor,Eight^- Physician" ^TMP("SAM",2902,29)="24^Doctor,Eleven^- Physician" ^TMP("SAM",2902,30)="18^Doctor,Five^- Physician" ^TMP("SAM",2902,31)="17^Doctor,Four^- Physician" ^TMP("SAM",2902,32)="22^Doctor,Nine^- Physician" ^TMP("SAM",2902,33)="11^Doctor,One^- Physician" ^TMP("SAM",2902,34)="20^Doctor,Seven^- Physician" ^TMP("SAM",2902,35)="19^Doctor,Six^- Physician" ^TMP("SAM",2902,36)="23^Doctor,Ten^- Physician" ^TMP("SAM",2902,37)="16^Doctor,Three^- Physician" ^TMP("SAM",2902,38)="26^Doctor,Twelve^- Physician" ^TMP("SAM",2902,39)="15^Doctor,Two^- Physician" ^TMP("SAM",2902,40)="62^Lab,Superuser^- ANALYST" ^TMP("SAM",2902,41)="8^Manager,System^- System Manager" ^TMP("SAM",2902,42)="33^Nurse,Eight^- Nurse" ^TMP("SAM",2902,43)="36^Nurse,Eleven^- Nurse" ^TMP("SAM",2902,44)="40^Nurse,Fifteen^- Nurse" EHR:cassandra>; Before the existence of the Merge command, EHR:cassandra>; VISTA used a routine called %RCR EHR:cassandra>; And it's still used (cry) EHR:cassandra>; $Horolog ($H) EHR:cassandra>; Time in Mumps format EHR:cassandra>d ^%D 14-MAR-11 EHR:cassandra>d ^%T 11:15 AM EHR:cassandra>W $HOROLOG 62164,40558 EHR:cassandra>W 40558/60/60 11.2661111111111111 EHR:cassandra>; 11.26 is almost 11:15 EHR:cassandra>w 62164/365.24 170.200416164713612 EHR:cassandra>; 170 years after 1841 EHR:cassandra>W 1841+170 2011 EHR:cassandra>; Different from Fileman Date EHR:cassandra>; Conversion functions to and from $H can be found in %DT and XLFD T EHR:cassandra>; esp $$HTFM^XLFDT EHR:cassandra>WRITE $$HTFM^XLFDT($H) 3110314.111919 EHR:cassandra>WRITE $$FMTE^XLFDT($$HTFM^XLFDT($H)) Mar 14, 2011@11:19:38 EHR:cassandra>; $H is not a function EHR:cassandra>; It's an instrinsic variable EHR:cassandra>; the difference b/n functions and intrinsic variables is that EHR:cassandra>; functions take arguments; variables don't EHR:cassandra>; More instrinsic variables EHR:cassandra>; $JOB EHR:cassandra>; Job number - in GT.M it stands for process number EHR:cassandra>; number that uniquely identifies the current mumps process EHR:cassandra>; commonly used in garbage globals EHR:cassandra>; like ^TMP("PS",$J) EHR:cassandra>; $X and $Y EHR:cassandra>; represents coordinates of cursor on the screen EHR:cassandra>w $X 0 EHR:cassandra>w $Y 1 EHR:cassandra>S $Y=0 EHR:cassandra>W $X 0 EHR:cassandra>S $X=55 EHR:cassandra>ZWRITE C=" " DILOCKTM=3 DISYS=19 DT=3110314 DTIME=300 DUZ=0 DUZ(0)="" DUZ(1)="" DUZ(2)=67 DUZ("AG")="E" DUZ("LANG")="" IO(0)="/dev/pts/1" ORY(1)="14^Administrator,System" ORY(2)="65^Analyst,One^- ANALYST" ORY(3)="66^Analyst,Three^- ANALYST" ORY(4)="69^Analyst,Two^- ANALYST" ORY(5)="47^Clerk,Eight^- Medical Clerk" ORY(6)="50^Clerk,Eleven^- Medical Clerk" ORY(7)="54^Clerk,Fifteen^- Medical Clerk" ORY(8)="44^Clerk,Five^- Medical Clerk" ORY(9)="43^Clerk,Four^- Medical Clerk" ORY(10)="53^Clerk,Fourteen^- Medical Clerk" ORY(11)="48^Clerk,Nine^- Medical Clerk" ORY(12)="46^Clerk,Seven^- Medical Clerk" ORY(13)="45^Clerk,Six^- Medical Clerk" ORY(14)="49^Clerk,Ten^- Medical Clerk" ORY(15)="52^Clerk,Thirteen^- Medical Clerk" ORY(16)="42^Clerk,Three^- Medical Clerk" ORY(17)="51^Clerk,Twelve^- Medical Clerk" ORY(18)="41^Clerk,Two^- Medical Clerk" ORY(19)="58^Coordinator,Clinical^- CLINICAL COORDINATOR" ORY(20)="9^Coordinator,Five^- ANALYST" ORY(21)="3^Coordinator,Four" ORY(22)="2^Coordinator,Nine" ORY(23)="63^Coordinator,One^- ANALYST" ORY(24)="64^Coordinator,Seven" ORY(25)="60^Coordinator,Six^- CLINICAL COORDINATOR" ORY(26)="67^Coordinator,Three^- ANALYST" ORY(27)="68^Coordinator,Two^- ANALYST" ORY(28)="21^Doctor,Eight^- Physician" ORY(29)="24^Doctor,Eleven^- Physician" ORY(30)="18^Doctor,Five^- Physician" ORY(31)="17^Doctor,Four^- Physician" ORY(32)="22^Doctor,Nine^- Physician" ORY(33)="11^Doctor,One^- Physician" ORY(34)="20^Doctor,Seven^- Physician" ORY(35)="19^Doctor,Six^- Physician" ORY(36)="23^Doctor,Ten^- Physician" ORY(37)="16^Doctor,Three^- Physician" ORY(38)="26^Doctor,Twelve^- Physician" ORY(39)="15^Doctor,Two^- Physician" ORY(40)="62^Lab,Superuser^- ANALYST" ORY(41)="8^Manager,System^- System Manager" ORY(42)="33^Nurse,Eight^- Nurse" ORY(43)="36^Nurse,Eleven^- Nurse" ORY(44)="40^Nurse,Fifteen^- Nurse" *SAM=ORY U="^" VASITE=1 VASITE("050")="050" EHR:cassandra>K EHR:cassandra>D ^XUP Setting up programmer environment This is a TEST account. Access Code: ******** EHR:cassandra>ZWRITE DILOCKTM=3 DISYS=19 DT=3110314 DTIME=300 DUZ=0 DUZ(0)="" DUZ(1)="" DUZ(2)=67 DUZ("AG")="E" DUZ("LANG")="" IO(0)="/dev/pts/1" *SAM=ORY U="^" EHR:cassandra>ZWRITE ^ZOSF %GTM-E-GVUNDEF, Global variable undefined: ^ZOSF EHR:cassandra>ZWRITE ^%ZOSF ^%ZOSF("$INC")=0 ^%ZOSF("ACTJ")="S Y=$$ACTJ^%ZOSV()" ^%ZOSF("AVJ")="S Y=$$AVJ^%ZOSV()" ^%ZOSF("BRK")="U $I:(CENABLE)" ^%ZOSF("DEL")="D DEL^%ZOSV2(X) ;N %RD,%OD S %RD=$P($S($ZRO[""("":$P($P($ZRO,""(" ",2),"")""),1:$ZRO),"" "")_""/"",%OD=$S($ZRO[""("":$P($ZRO,""("",1)_"" /"",1:%RD) ZSYSTEM ""rm -f ""_%RD_X_"".m"" ZSYSTEM ""rm -f ""_%OD_X_"" .o""" ^%ZOSF("EOFF")="U $I:(NOECHO)" ^%ZOSF("EON")="U $I:(ECHO)" ^%ZOSF("EOT")="S Y=$ZA\1024#2 ; <=====" ^%ZOSF("ERRTN")="^%ZTER" ^%ZOSF("ETRP")="Q" ^%ZOSF("GD")="G ^%GD" ^%ZOSF("JOBPARAM")="G JOBPAR^%ZOSV" ^%ZOSF("LABOFF")="U IO:(NOECHO) ; <=====" ^%ZOSF("LOAD")="D LOAD^%ZOSV2(X) ;S %N=0 F XCNP=XCNP+1:1 S %N=%N+1,%=$T(+%N^@X) Q:$L(%)=0 S @(DIF_XCNP_"",0)"")=%" ^%ZOSF("LPC")="S Y="""" ; <=====" ^%ZOSF("MAGTAPE")="S %MT(""BS"")=""*1"",%MT(""FS"")=""*2"",%MT(""WTM"")=""*3"",% MT(""WB"")=""*4"",%MT(""REW"")=""*5"",%MT(""RB"")=""*6"",%MT(""REL"")= ""*7"",%MT(""WHL"")=""*8"",%MT(""WEL"")=""*9"" ; <=====" ^%ZOSF("MAXSIZ")="Q" ^%ZOSF("MGR")="EHR,EHR" ^%ZOSF("MTBOT")="S Y=$ZA\32#2 ; <=====" ^%ZOSF("MTERR")="S Y=$ZA\32768#2 ; <=====" ^%ZOSF("MTONLINE")="S Y=$ZA\64#2 ; <=====" ^%ZOSF("MTWPROT")="S Y=$ZA\4#2 ; <=====" ^%ZOSF("NBRK")="U $I:(NOCENABLE)" ^%ZOSF("NO-PASSALL")="U $I:(ESCAPE:TERMINATOR="""":NOPASTHRU)" ^%ZOSF("NO-TYPE-AHEAD")="U $I:(NOTYPEAHEAD)" ^%ZOSF("OS")="GT.M (Unix)^19" ^%ZOSF("PASSALL")="U $I:(NOESCAPE:NOTERMINATOR:PASTHRU)" ^%ZOSF("PRIINQ")="S Y=$$PRIINQ^%ZOSV()" ^%ZOSF("PRIORITY")="Q ;G PRIORITY^%ZOSV" ^%ZOSF("PROD")="EHR,EHR" ^%ZOSF("PROGMODE")="S Y=$$PROGMODE^%ZOSV()" ^%ZOSF("RD")="G ^%RD" ^%ZOSF("RESJOB")="Q:'$D(DUZ) Q:'$D(^XUSEC(""XUMGR"",+DUZ)) N XQZ S XQZ=""^FORC EX[MGR]"" D DO^%XUCI ; <=====" ^%ZOSF("RM")="U $I:WIDTH=$S(X<256:X,1:0)" ^%ZOSF("RSEL")="K ^UTILITY($J) D ^%RSEL S X="""" X ""F S X=$O(%ZR(X)) Q:X=""""" """ S ^UTILITY($J,X)="""""""""" K %ZR" ^%ZOSF("RSUM")="S Y=0 F %=1,3:1 S %1=$T(+%^@X),%3=$F(%1,"" "") Q:'%3 S %3=$S($E (%1,%3)'="";"":$L(%1),$E(%1,%3+1)="";"":$L(%1),1:%3-2) F %2=1:1:%3 S Y =$A(%1,%2)*%2+Y" ^%ZOSF("RSUM1")="N %,%1,%2,%3 S Y=0 F %=1,3:1 S %1=$T(+%^@X),%3=$F(%1,"" "") Q:' %3 S %3=$S($E(%1,%3)'="";"":$L(%1),$E(%1,%3+1)="";"":$L(%1),1:%3-2) F %2=1:1:%3 S Y=$A(%1,%2)*(%2+%)+Y" ^%ZOSF("SAVE")="D SAVE^%ZOSV2(X) ;N %I,%F S %I=$I,%F=$P($S($ZRO[""("":$P($P($ZRO ,""("",2),"")""),1:$ZRO),"" "")_""/""_X_"".m"" O %F:(NEWVERSION) U %F X ""F S XCN=$O(@(DIE_XCN_"""")"""")) Q:+XCN'=XCN S %=@(DIE_XCN_"""", 0)"""") Q:$E(%,1)=""""$"""" I $E(%)'="""";"""" W %,!"" C %F U %I" ^%ZOSF("SIZE")="S Y=0 F I=1:1 S %=$T(+I) Q:%="""" S Y=Y+$L(%)+2 ; <=====" ^%ZOSF("SS")="D ^ZSY" ^%ZOSF("TEST")="I X]"""",$T(^@X)]""""" ^%ZOSF("TMK")="S Y=$ZA\16384#2" ^%ZOSF("TMP")="/tmp/" ^%ZOSF("TRAP")="$ZT=""G ""_X" ^%ZOSF("TRMOFF")="U $I:(TERMINATOR="""")" ^%ZOSF("TRMON")="U $I:(TERMINATOR=$C(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17 ,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,127))" ^%ZOSF("TRMRD")="S Y=$A($ZB)" ^%ZOSF("TYPE-AHEAD")="U $I:(TYPEAHEAD)" ^%ZOSF("UCI")="S Y=^%ZOSF(""PROD"")" ^%ZOSF("UCICHECK")="S Y=1" ^%ZOSF("UPPERCASE")="S Y=$TR(X,""abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"",""ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP QRSTUVWXYZ"")" ^%ZOSF("VOL")="EHR" ^%ZOSF("XY")="S $X=DX,$Y=DY ; <=====" ^%ZOSF("ZD")="S Y=$$HTE^XLFDT(X,2) I $L($P(Y,""/""))=1 S Y=0_Y" EHR:cassandra>S DX=6,DY=Y X ^%ZOSF("XY") %GTM-E-UNDEF, Undefined local variable: Y EHR:cassandra>S DX=6,DY=8 X ^%ZOSF("XY") EHR:cassandra>W *27,"c" EHR:cassandra>S DX=6,DY=8 X ^%ZOSF("XY") EHR:cassandra>; not working for me EHR:cassandra>; $QUIT EHR:cassandra>zed EHR:cassandra>zed "KBANQUIT" EHR:cassandra>zl EHR:cassandra>zp ^KBANQUIT KBANQUIT ; 3/14/11 11:30am ;; EN1 W "$QUIT IS ",$QUIT Q EN2 W "$QUIT IS ",$QUIT Q "HELLO" EHR:cassandra>D EN1^KBANQUIT $QUIT IS 0 EHR:cassandra>W $$EN1^KBANQUIT %GTM-E-FMLLSTMISSING, The formal list is absent from a label called with an actual list: EHR:cassandra>W $$EN1^KBANQUIT() %GTM-E-FMLLSTMISSING, The formal list is absent from a label called with an actual list: EHR:cassandra>ZED EHR:cassandra>zl EHR:cassandra>W $$EN2^KBANQUIT() $QUIT IS 1HELLO EHR:cassandra>d EN2^KBANQUIT() $QUIT IS 0%GTM-E-NOTEXTRINSIC, Quit does not return to an extrinsic function: argument not allowed At M source location EN2+2^KBANQUIT EHR:cassandra>zg EHR:cassandra>zed EHR:cassandra>zl EHR:cassandra>zp ^KBANQUIT KBANQUIT ; 3/14/11 11:33am ;; EN1 W "$QUIT IS ",$QUIT Q EN2() W "$QUIT IS ",$QUIT ; If $QUIT is 1, we are being called as a function ($$) ; therefore, quit needs to quit with an argument QUIT:$QUIT "Hello" ; If $QUIT is 0, we are being called by a DO ; therefore, we need to quit with no arguemnts. QUIT:'$QUIT EHR:cassandra>D EN2^KBANQUIT %GTM-E-ACTLSTEXP, Actuallist expected At M source location EN2^KBANQUIT EHR:cassandra>D EN2^KBANQUIT() $QUIT IS 0 EHR:cassandra>W $$EN2^KBANQUIT() $QUIT IS 1Hello EHR:cassandra>W $$EN1^KBANQUIT() %GTM-E-FMLLSTMISSING, The formal list is absent from a label called with an actual list: EHR:cassandra>W $$EN1^KBANQUIT %GTM-E-FMLLSTMISSING, The formal list is absent from a label called with an actual list: EHR:cassandra>ZED EHR:cassandra>zl %GTM-E-LOADRUNNING, Cannot ZLINK an active routine KBANQUIT EHR:cassandra>zg EHR:cassandra>zl EHR:cassandra>zp ^KBANQUIT KBANQUIT ; 3/14/11 11:35am ;; EN1() W "$QUIT IS ",$QUIT Q EN2() W "$QUIT IS ",$QUIT ; If $QUIT is 1, we are being called as a function ($$) ; therefore, quit needs to quit with an argument QUIT:$QUIT "Hello" ; If $QUIT is 0, we are being called by a DO ; therefore, we need to quit with no arguemnts. QUIT:'$QUIT EHR:cassandra>W $$EN1^KBANQUIT() $QUIT IS 1 %GTM-E-QUITARGREQD, Quit from an extrinsic must have an argument EHR:cassandra>D EN1^KBANQUIT() $QUIT IS 0 EHR:cassandra>; $IO AND $PRINCIPLE EHR:cassandra>; $I & $P EHR:cassandra>; $P is the principle device EHR:cassandra>; the device that started the mumps process EHR:cassandra>WRITE $P /dev/pts/1 EHR:cassandra>; $IO stands for the current device EHR:cassandra>; ^%ZIS EHR:cassandra>d ^%ZIS DEVICE: HOME// chris CHRIS EHR:cassandra>ZWRITE IO IO="|PRN|CHRIS" IO(0)="/dev/pts/1" IO(1,"/dev/pts/1")="" IO(1,"|PRN|CHRIS")="" IO("ERROR")="" IO("HOME")="50^/dev/pts/1" EHR:cassandra>W $I /dev/pts/1 EHR:cassandra>W $P /dev/pts/1 EHR:cassandra>USE IO EHR:cassandra>W $I EHR:cassandra>W "HELLO" EHR:cassandra>C IO EHR:cassandra>W $I /dev/pts/1 EHR:cassandra>o "/tmp/sam.txt" EHR:cassandra>u "/tmp/sam.txt" EHR:cassandra>W $I EHR:cassandra>W ! EHR:cassandra>W "Hello" EHR:cassandra>c "/tmp/sam.txt" EHR:cassandra>zsy "cat /tmp/sam.txt" /tmp/sam.txt Hello EHR:cassandra>w $P /dev/pts/1 EHR:cassandra>; $key, $device, $zb EHR:cassandra>; $key says what terminated the last read EHR:cassandra>; $device tells you if there is a problem in IO with the current d evice. 0 is good; 1 is bad EHR:cassandra>; $zb tells you the termination of escape sequences of the last re ad EHR:cassandra>W $KEY EHR:cassandra>W $DEVICE EHR:cassandra>W +$DEVICE 0 EHR:cassandra>W $ZB EHR:cassandra>U $P:break %GTM-E-DEVPARUNK, Deviceparameter unknown EHR:cassandra>U $P:escape EHR:cassandra>R *X EHR:cassandra>W $ZB U EHR:cassandra>R *X EHR:cassandra>W X 27 EHR:cassandra>U $P:(ESCAPE) EHR:cassandra>R *X EHR:cassandra>W X 27 EHR:cassandra>W $ZB EHR:cassandra>R *X EHR:cassandra>W $ZB T EHR:cassandra>; SSVNs EHR:cassandra>; Not supported by GT.M but they are part of the Mumps standard EHR:cassandra>; ^$ROUTINE; ^$LOCK, ^$CHARACTER EHR:cassandra>