RPC HELP TRPCBroker Broker Prog Pref Editor Descr
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Programmer Preferences Dialogue Box Description
The RPC Broker Programmer Preferences application presents a GUI dialogue box that allows developers to set default values for certain RPC Broker component properties and default settings for RPC Broker development. You can set any of the following:
- ClearParameters (check box) -- If checked, automatically sets the ClearParameters design-time property of a TRPCBroker component to True when you add one to a form.
- ClearResults (check box) -- If checked, automatically sets the ClearResults design-time property to of a TRPCBroker component to True when you add one to a form.
- ListenerPort (text box) -- Sets the ListenerPort design-time property of a TRPCBroker component to the specified value when you add one to a form.
- Server (text box) -- Sets the Server design-time property of a TRPCBroker component to the specified value when you add one to a form.
- Connect in Delphi IDE (check box) -- Enables or disables the connection to the VistA M Server from within the Borland Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Disabling this is useful when you are developing in an environment without a connection to a VistA M Server, because an attempt is made to connect to the server (if enabled) when certain TRPCBroker component properties are edited.
- Defaults (button) -- Pressing Defaults returns the programmer settings to their default values.