Documentation Overview
The Documentation for VistA can be classified in several groups:
Documentation created by WorldVistA and volunteers in the VistA Community.
Alternative Overview of VDL Documents - Kirt Walker and here is (Kirt Walker) KW/VDL Plan for doing this.
I am going to recreate this overview page - Table of Contents, so to speak, but add brief descriptions within the TOC and gradually add more detailed pages to describe the documents. There is a lot of documentation represented - several hundred documents of lengths in the hundreds of pages in the VDL. I will sort the order to be more logical, in my eyes and cross reference the identifiers for packages , like ADT - Admission, Discharge and Transfer, and PCE- Patient Care Encounter.
I am trying to learn VistA in detail and coming to it with no prior experience with VistA and no FileManager in 10 or 15 years, but hard core MUMPS background and 35 years of thinking about and working with Medical Informatics/Health Informatics and EHR concepts.